Storytelling App
In September 2017 I released my app A SIMPLE GUIDE TO STORYTELLING. The app was designed to help people ages 8 and up to learn the art of storytelling. In the app you will learn how to tell stories using the comic strip format.
Included in the app you will find notes and videos explaining how storytelling works for comics. You will also find a story generator to help you get started on you path to telling your own stories.
Finally, there is a two round game you can play using a pencil and paper to challenge yourself and storytelling skills.
You can find the app currently on the App Store for iOS and will be coming soon on Google Play.
Perfect for kids, adults, teachers, amateurs, professionals, hobbyists, or just anyone who loves comics and wants to learn to create stories.

On June 9, 2016 I demonstrated an unfinished copy of the app to a group of educators at EdxEd NYC 2016 to great reviews and excitement. The app interface has changed since the event.

The above are screenshots from my app "A Simple Guide to Storytelling". As you can see there are storytelling notes on how to tell a story or humor comic strip. The app also includes and interactive story generator to help inspire ideas for your own stories.