Do you like to read fantasy stories? Watch fantasy movies and/or shows? Do you play or want to play Dungeons & Dragons? If the answer is yes to any of these questions then this is the workshop for you. Emerse yourself in worlds where a barbarian rises to become hero after defeating an army of goblins. Where a halfling is charge with a quest to destroy a magical item, or maybe you just want to be able to cross that terrifying troll bridge.
It doesn't matter what fantasy story you want to tell, the foundational elements are all basically the same and to visually bring your story to life you will have to populate your world with characters. In this workshop I will demonstrate how to create characters that fit in a fantasy world. We will discuss character archetypes and how to draw a character based on their occupation and personality.
For more information contact me here.

“Not only is Michael Grassia a gifted comic book illustrator and writer, he is also tremendously knowledgeable about the history of comics and animation. His wealth of knowledge about the industry has been a tremendous asset to the youth tribes and has helped educate many clients in the comic and pop culture market.”
- Andrea Graham, owner of Youth Tribes: Youth Culture Research and Consulting
“With nothing more than pads of paper and some markers, I’ve seen Michael help transform a room of dreamers into a room of illustrators.”
- James, Librarian
“Michael is a very talented artist and teacher. His artistic abilities are enhanced by his proficiency with technology, including web page design, storyboarding, cartooning and video editing. He is a pleasure to work with.”
- Steven Widerman, Owner, Director or The Puppet Company and Heart Strings Media
“Michael Grassia was an excellent professor and a very strong guide during my college years. He has really good methods as a teacher and knew how to give good advice to his students.”
- PH Daniel Sanchez, Senior Art Director at The Next Level Experience​